Tuesday 13 September 2016

Words Have Power

Your words reflect what you believe about your future. Just to see how it feels, for the next twenty four hours refrain from saying anything bad about anyone or anything. "The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightening and the lightening bug," said Mark Twain.

The person who finds the negative seldom find anything else. live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation. Children are born optimists, then the world slowly tries to educate them out of thier "delusion." The fact is, the more you complain the less you will obtain.

Some people always find the bad in a situation. Do you know people like that? Think about it, how many successful complainers do you know? Many a great idea has been quenched by wrong words. Don't spend your life standing at the complaint counter.

A wise old owl sat on an oak,
The more he saw the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard;
Why aren't we like that wise old bird?
(Edward H. Richards)

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