Thursday 22 September 2016

The Physical Is the Seat of the Spiritual

The human being is like a triangle of body, mind, and spirit. The body forms the base of that triangle, and the mind and spirit form the sides. If one only develops the sides of the triangle — intellect and spirituality — the triangle becomes very unstable and can be easily knocked over. So, to grow well, people must have the physical power they need to act on their visions and to stay centered within their highest selves.

You do not need to be a world-class athlete or a wealthy businessperson to have the physical energy you need. I can assure you that the universe will provide exactly what you need to make your vision happen, and the physical energy available to you will grow as you act. When I began to move toward my vision, I had nothing available to me. I started with just one student in a park, a man who had had a stroke. Seeing his progress, more people gathered, and then later people came to help me open up the first center. Today, there are about 500 centers in 10 countries around the world.

One thing I always did was act, act, and act again. I never sat around wondering if it was the best time to start, and I never rested on the laurels of my previous accomplishments. For many people, however, procrastination is an ingrained habit. They are used to ignoring their own inspiration, and they constantly put off taking steps toward their dreams, hoping that some other day will bring an easier situation or that all other distractions will disappear. Don’t wait for a more perfect time. Now is the only perfect time, and if it looks difficult, that’s because you are meant to face the challenges that will bring out your true greatness.

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