Tuesday 29 November 2016

Air disasters in football history

The wreckage of the LAMIA airlines charter plane carrying members of the Chapecoense Real football team is seen after it crashed in the mountains of Cerro Gordo, municipality of La Union, on November 29, 2016. A charter plane carrying the Brazilian football team crashed in the mountains in Colombia late Monday, killing as many as 75 people.

Negative Actions? Change for the Better

Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. You alone are in control of  your life and many of the negative situations and negative thoughts you harbor are influenced directly by you. By taking responsibility for your actions, you can begin to remove negativity in your life and create positivity.

Obsession Not Love

I have learned that when we need someone in order to exist and our body aches when that person is not around, it is not love, it is obsession. It is about us thinking a particular person has the power to rescue us. And we want to be rescued because we don’t trust our own ability to take care of and provide ourselves with a rich life.

Monday 28 November 2016

Don’t Live A Life Of Endless Excuses, Personal Weaknesses Are What Urges Us To Be Stronger

How many times have you caught yourself trying to blame everyone and everything else for your shortcomings, when in reality, you just couldn’t sum up the courage to face your weaknesses head on? In order to fulfill our goals, we don’t need to “conquer the world” and be better than everyone else. All we have to do is master ourselves and work on becoming the best version of ourselves by overcoming our weaknesses.
In working towards self-improvement, we often turn to finding inspiration in others who have made it. There is something comforting in knowing that today’s leaders in their niche were once a work-in-progress just like ourselves with many personal obstacles and struggles to face.

Courage to Live - Do not quit before you're finished

"The world will always give you the opportunity to quit, but only the world would call quitting an opportunity" (Clint Brown). One of the most powerful success principles ever preached is "Never , never, never give up!" (Winston Churchill).

A lazy man is always judged by what he doesn't do. The choice of giving up or going on is a defining moment in your life. Nobody and nothing can keep you down unless

Room For Self-Improvement

Have you ever noticed how many people you know who are literally at the same place today as they were five years  ago? They still have the same dreams, the same problems, the same alibis, the same opportunities. They are standing still in life.

It's as if people unplug their clocks at a certain point in time and stay at that fixed moment the rest of their lives. You are destined to grow, learn and improve.

Friday 25 November 2016

6 Things Men Learned from Cheating......... by LODRO RINZLER

All things pointed out here are based on interviews and sessions with some men, But there's one resounding similarity to all of their answers.

"I may not be the stand-up guy I thought I was."
Several guys I interviewed realized that, while they had always thought of themselves as good and honorable men, they were just as prone to cheating as other people.

Discovering Your God-Given Purpose

Do you feel like a fish out of water? Your prolonged dissatisfaction, God-given gifts, passions and the voices of others could be telling you that you were created for another purpose. And like a fish out of water, if you feel like you are dying inside, listen up. It could be just what you need to push you into another, more satisfying ocean.

9 Health Benefit of Banana

Bananas are extremely healthy and delicious.
They contain several essential nutrients, and have benefits for digestion, heart health and weight loss.
Aside from being very nutritious, they are also a highly convenient snack food.
Here are 9 health benefits of bananas that are supported by scientific research.

Thursday 24 November 2016

The Five Questions Every Woman Should Ask Before She Gets In Too Deep

Question No. 1: What Are Your Short-Term Goals?
If you're going to get into a relationship with a man, you should know what his plans are and how they fit into the key elements that make a man—who he is, what he does, and how much he makes. These three things, as I've already told you, are extremely important to any mature, grown man, and you have every right to know what he's doing right now, and what he's planning over the next three to five years, to be the real, grown man he wants to be. His answer

22 Things to Remember If You Love Someone with Depression

You’re in love with this wonderful person–a man who truly gets you, or a woman who makes you laugh every day. There’s a kind of connection you feel in your solar plexus and you know this is someone you want to stay with, be loyal to, and love with your whole heart.
Your relationship grows and deepens.  But after a while, something seems not quite right with your beloved.  Maybe he snapped at a waiter over nothing, which he’s never done before.  Or maybe she has started to doubt that you love her, which makes no sense because you’re more in love with her than ever.

Wednesday 23 November 2016


One of the hostels in Yaba college of Technology, Bakassi hostel was on fire earlier this morning, our correspondent tried to know the cause of the fire outburst but nobody seem to have known what caused the fire, the entire building got burnt down before Fire Fighters could show up. Few casualties were recorded, All belongings were also burnt. Some of the students who were in shock all fainted and are currently at the medical centre for treatment, the rest of the occupant are all still in shock as to what had happened.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Ebony Foods!! Your Food is Just a Call Away

Ebony Foods! A place where we provide natures food fresh

Want some of these? Place your order at Cinienpastries for sumptuous pastries

Cakes are special, every birthdays, every celebration ends with something sweet, a cake and people to remember. It's all about memories.
Cinienpastries is poised to create lasting memories by providing you with exquisite cake designs and a delicious taste. We make your imaginary taste a reality!!!
More pictures after the cut.......

Monday 21 November 2016

5 Steps to Get Creative Again

Each of us has a ‘creative bone’ in our body, even the ones who insist that they don’t. The only problem is that we rarely find time to tap into our creativity. Even when we finally make a decision of making time for something creative, it’s hard to determine what to start with! There are so many possibilities, so many classes available in any community. What do we start off with?

Here are 5 steps to get creative again:

Sex and Healthy Relationship

In a healthy relationship, both partners are able to express their feelings and respect each other’s boundaries about sex. You shouldn’t have to have sex to keep your partner. You may feel comfortable kissing or holding hands but not want to go any further. That’s ok.
Deciding whether you want to have sex or when you should is a decision you should make when it feels right for YOU. In a healthy relationship, your partner respects your decisions, even when they don’t like them.
If you are thinking about when to have sex, keep in mind:

This Is How You Become Unattractive And You’re Not Aware of It

Everyone strives to be a great person, kind, caring, and compassionate. But for some people, that’s not always the case. There are many behaviors or ‘bad habits’ that people have that make them seem unattractive, annoying, or someone that no one wants to be around with. A few of these harmful characteristics are offered for you below, and if you happen to realize that you embody any of them – quit! You might find your circle of friends grow once you do.

Friday 18 November 2016

4 Steps to Managing Your Emotional Life

No one would argue against the idea that our emotions trip us up often in life. The reason they have such powerful sway over us is not immediately clear. We have been conditioned in the West to believe that our decisions are made by our rational mind, so when emotions seem to take hold of our behavior, we simply cannot understand why.
While many people assume that reason arises from deliberate, conscious thinking, the truth is, people are more likely to feel before they think. Consequently, your decision-making process is quick, emotional, and subconscious. As Dan Hill in his book

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

Mentally strong people have healthy habits. They manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that set them up for success in life. Check out these things that mentally strong people don’t do so that you too can become more mentally strong.

1. They Don’t Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves
Mentally strong people don’t sit around feeling sorry about their circumstances or how others have treated them. Instead,

14 Signs Someone Is Always Playing The Victim

What do all humans have in common?
We have all played the victim before. How many of us have blamed our little sister or brother for breaking a family heirloom? I know I have. How many of us have pointed the finger at our co-worker for screwing something up at work? But, playing the victim is like eating bad food- it will only make you feel worse in the long run.
Here’s the bottom line: people that believe they are victims tend to push friends, family and coworkers away.
Let’s look at 14 signs that someone is playing the victim card and what they need to do instead:

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Rekindle the romance in 9 easy ways

We’ve all been there; you meet someone, fall in love and the romance blossoms. So after that initial honeymoon period ends, what next? It’s so easy to slip back into the comfortable stage, life takes over and commitments pile up, leaving very little time to enjoy each other’s company.
Keeping the romance alive doesn’t mean you have to always give massive tokens of love or go through the motions with traditional gestures at birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas. The little things all count and something simple can give you that little moment of intimacy, perfect to rekindle your romance, when life gets in the way.

Mastering The Art of Timing

Never seem to be in a hurry - hurrying betrays a lack of control over yourself, and over time. Always seem patient, as if you know that everything will come to you eventually. Because a detective of the right moment; sniff out the spirit of the times, the trends that will carry you to power. Learn to stand back when the time is not yet ripe, and to strike fiercely when it has reached fruition.

7 Simple and Useful Health Tips that Help in Leading Healthy Life

For a healthy life, it is imperative to take care of your body. Keeping a check on your weight is one way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Obesity has become a current issue, and it is important to pay particular attention to the diet and indulge in some physical activity. You do not need to spoil your happiness because of unnecessary problems related to health. The lifespan of your vital organs such as liver, lungs, stomach, etc. is increased by eating healthy. Healthy and relaxed life does not just include a balanced diet and exercising but also a positive mindset.
Here are a few tips for leading a safe and healthy life:

6 Love Lessons I Learnt From My Mother

My parents separated when I was just 15 after a turbulent marriage. To say divorce was the best thing for them is an understatement. While my father flung himself head first into a rebound fling that later resulted in another marriage, my mother took a higher approach, she set off into the world and she found herself.
Maybe it was my young impressionable age or my parents drastically different approaches to life and love that influenced me; but as the older I’ve got, the more I’ve seemed to admire my mum’s non tolerance to bullshit in relationships. To date, she taught me some of the most valuable lessons I could have ever learnt when it comes to matters of the heart. Here are 6 love lessons I learnt from my mother.

How to Get Out of A Life Slump and Defeat The Blues

Once upon a time, I was severely ignorant towards people who called themselves depressed, and I was harsh and angry at them because I thought of it as if it were the simplest excuse they could possibly find. Now, I can honestly say that this isn’t something you should learn from your own experience.
By nature, I’m a cynic and a pessimist, which only made it easy for depression to get to me – if you have a mindset similar to mine, you should know that you’re an easy target as well.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Never Settle in Your Quest for Love. You Deserve More.

I will never let fear guide me in my search for love and make me accept anything less that the real thing. Instead, I will trust myself and listen to my heart, because there lay all the answers. No logic can explain how love happens; even though we try to put it in scientific terms, it defies logical laws. It can only be felt. Therefore, I will let love guide me and trust the process of life, instead of trying to rush it by settling for an unfulfilling relationship for fear of being alone or not going through important milestones “on time.”

Don’t Surrender To Any Definitions — You Can Decide Who You Are

It’s the ultimate cliché and something we all hear a thousand times over: to be truly happy, you need to start with yourself. But how often do we not live up to this? Media outlets are bombarding us with images of how we should look, society is telling us how we should act, and people with limited beliefs are telling us how we should feel.
A lot of the time, we are forced to define ourselves by other people’s ideas and perspectives. We seem to care too much about what other people think of us and live our lives pleasing or conforming to what society as a whole tells us is right.

Embrace Your Little Faults. They Are What Defines You.

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How much of our lives have we dedicated to perfection? The straight A’s, the beach bodies, the perfect scores; the list goes on. Striving towards perfection and then not achieving it can lead to depression, unhealthy mood swings, and self-deprecating doubt. These frustrations pile on, and eventually, a perfectionist may find themselves struggling to accept themselves.
If a person can’t accept who they are, they lose sight of their selves, and then, seek out ways to sculpt who they are supposed to be. I am a straight A student. I am a size zero. I achieved one-hundred percent. Underneath all those titles expressed through accomplishments, who is the person who achieved all those things? They couldn’t have possibly made it through without having made some mistakes and being imperfect in other things. Faults and flaws are what make individuals different from each other.

Monday 14 November 2016

How To Effectively Communicate With A Hypersensitive Spouse 2

4. Paraphrase
When you get the chance to answer or tell them how you feel, make sure you paraphrase what they have just told you. They will feel that you were intently listening and that you empathize with how they feel. One-word answers are not enough. I know this because I was the king of one-word answers. Paraphrase first, then reply to their question or statement. This also lets them know that you understand them and that you aren’t just trying to fix the issue at hand. They need a lot of this because it helps them figure their own thoughts and feelings out.

How To Effectively Communicate With A Hypersensitive Spouse

15 Tips For Empaths And Highly Sensitive People-actually I think it's good for everyone!

I love my wife. She is a beautiful, caring, and loving person. She has taught me a great deal about myself and how I communicate.
You see, I wasn’t always a sensitive person. I was raised to be tough and numb to feelings. I kept all feelings inside because I was not allowed to express them. My father was strict and to him feelings were nothing more than a sign of weakness. Imagine over 20 years of that type of conditioning!
As an adult, I had a difficult time expressing my true feelings to anyone because of my lack of experience with sharing while I was growing up. I do not at all place all blame on my dad — he came from an upbringing that was identical to mine, so to raise me this way was all he knew.
In my relationships, I struggled

5 Signs You Blame Other People For Your Problems

Image result for image of a person talking to someone
We learn as children that becoming an adult entails maturity, responsibility, and problem solving. We assume that when we finally reach adulthood, we will naturally encompass all of these traits. Yet, the ability to remain accountable in life proves elusive to many adults, though we may not be aware of this fact.
Generally, there are two types of people in this world: those that blame others for how they feel and the predicament they are in, and those that take accountability for their situation and focus on problem solving. Of course we know which group we think we are in, but what group are we really in? Here are five signs that you blame other people for your problems.

5 Ways to Get Motivated When You’re Feeling Lazy

Picture this: you have a mile-long to-do list and three hundred goals you’re working towards achieving. You know you should be working, but you just don’t feel like doing anything. It’s hard to stay focused and you’re just so unmotivated. Sound familiar? If your answer is yes, just know that you’re not alone.
Honestly, everyone has days like this. I know I do. Sometimes we don’t feel good, sometimes we’re feeling overwhelmed by all of the work that’s in front of us, sometimes we’re in a bad mood, or sometimes we’re just feeling lazy. But no matter

Friday 11 November 2016

10 Signs You’re Raised By A Strong Mom

A strong mom isn’t only strong on herself. She makes you strong as well, and even stronger than herself. They don’t teach you what the society teaches you. They teach you to be yourself and go for what you want. Without them, you won’t be at where you are today.
Here are 10 signs you’re raised by a strong mom:

8 Truths That “Moms Of Boys” Realize (Sooner Or Later)


Moms of boys are a different breed and they have different rules. Having raised three boys of my own, I have learned a few things in the past 25 years that was never in the “what to expect” books when they were little. There is just something different in a house full of testosterone and non-stop activity. Maybe that child’s nursery rhyme about what “little boys are made of” had a little truth in it after all.
The mothers of sons and only sons quickly learn these 8 truths…whether they want to or not.

17 Signs You Have The Coolest Mom In The World

I don’t know about you, but my mom is seriously one of the coolest people out there.
She’s always been there to make me laugh, wipe away my tears, and help me become the person I am today.
Is your mom super cool? Here are some signs that you are ridiculously lucky to have your mom around.

7 Things to Give up If You Really Want Your Kids to Be Great

It’s possible to parent your kids a little too carefully.
Every good parent wants to be active in their children’s lives and set them up for future success. However, there’s a fine line between sticking to appropriate boundaries, making constructive suggestions, and over-parenting your child. Stifling kids with too many rules and expectations can lower their confidence and creativity. Here are seven things you must give up to ensure that your children grow up healthy, happy, and free to be themselves rather than tire themselves mentally and physically trying to live up to the expectations you place upon them.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Adult Life Is Full Of Irony, But You Can Choose To Live It At Your Own Pace

When we were kids, we couldn’t wait to reach the adulthood where all the things seemed awesome, like not having to wait for pocket money, or go to bed early. However, when we finally reached that desired age, we see that it’s not always so awesome and that there are much more responsibilities than we thought. You earn your money, but don’t have time to spend it. You go to bed late because of being busy, but you want to sleep early.
A talented artist Shenanigansen from Massachusetts brilliantly illustrates everyday struggles of growing up. Yet, all those seemingly serious problems and dilemmas can be overcome if you decide to consider them from a different point of view. Yes, there are some situations that seem like an ironic twist, but in every such situation there is a lesson to learn which can help you at some point in your life.

The Thief In All Of Us

Have you ever held back on taking a step towards your career just because you thought of all the bad things that could go wrong?
“What if I failed? What if people never get to appreciate me? What if I die before I ever become known in my career?”
Have you ever changed plans on doing that one thing you felt would finally give you the liberation you seek just because the thought of being rejected invaded your mind? Have you ever denied yourself of totally being in love with someone because you felt you were not good enough for them and that fear kept you from bonding with them? If this sounds like you, then you might have a thief living deep inside your mind, and his or her name is Fear.

5 Simple Ways to Unplug and Be More Mindful In Your Life

In a world that is driven by constant innovation in technology and our innate need to want more and more in life, at what point does the society plateau or get comfortable at what is?  Probably NEVER!  Remember playing outside until the sun went down, leisurely trips to the local library to pick out books for the week, and having to look things up in the encyclopedia?  Nowadays, it seems as though the world is at our fingertips making life so much easier.  Or is it?

7 Secrets of Healthy People

Healthy people do not just wake up one day to a fit body and clear mind. Real health involves a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, and for many people this means making some changes in their physical and mental approach to everyday life. Here are seven top ways healthy people get that way and stay that way.

1. They Make Sure to Get Good Quality Sleep
Sleep is a cornerstone of mental and physical well being. The time spent sleeping is not as idle as it might seem. During a good night’s rest, the body can direct its energy towards healing and repairing the system. It releases

Wednesday 9 November 2016

15 Things Really Successful People Want You to Know

Here's what you should know about looking polishing, productivity and spotting a good opportunity you should take.

Not to Sweat the Small Stuff
The thing that's grand about spending your time thinking about the universe is that it makes you feel insignificant. I don't mean that in a bad way. If you understand that we've now discovered entire solar systems that contain planets similar to Earth, and that those are just the ones we know about, since

#AmericaDecides: Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton 136-104 in the race to 270 electoral votes

Republican candidate Donald Trump is currently leading Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the race to 270 electoral votes.
Trump currently has 136 votes as against Clinton’s 104.
More to follow….

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Saved by Grace

I woke up one morning (sometime last week) feeling very bitter and sad, why!  you ask? I really don’t know, but I feel something is missing in me, I feel very low in spirit, I feel bitter toward so many things, I snap at the smallest thing, things that don’t count, things that are not worth it, I tried to pray and meditate on the word of God, I found it difficult.

Monday 7 November 2016

Fight the Good Fight: Turn Spats Into Solutions

Want to dial down the unhealthy drama in your relationship? You can, once you know how to defuse blow-up arguments and unresolved feuds.
“Massive, all-out fights are bad for you. They make your heart race, cause stress, and can trigger issues like migraines,” says psychotherapist Jonathan Alpert. “On the other hand, learning to have good conversations keeps your relationship healthy.”
Here are six ways to ensure your next argument has a good outcome.

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

1. Helps Keep Your Immune System Humming
“Sexually active people take fewer sick days,” says Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD a sexual health expert.
People who have sex have higher levels of what defends your body against germs, viruses, and other intruders. Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of the a certain antibody compared to students who had sex less often.
You should still do all the other things that make your immune system happy, such as:

Letting Go of That Ego Before It Gets Hold of You

I confess, sometimes that head swims in the clouds and I prance about quite happy and headless. Doesn’t even take much for the head to go loose, a little success, a few possessions, some consistent compliments, and there it flies away to glory, on its own trip to what mostly turns out to be disaster.
So much is written about boosting self confidence, but what happens when you go overboard, when you start valuing yourself a bit too much and the confidence goes into overdrive, giving way to that big ugly ego. That’s the thing about ego, it’s never small, and it’s never pretty. It eats away at every single aspect of our lives. The enemy you sleep with until, well, until no one really wants to sleep with you, or work with you, or have anything to do with you.

Saturday 5 November 2016

Enter Action With Boldness

If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it. Your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution. Timidity is dangerous: better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.

Funke Akindele and hubby JJC gorgeous at the premiere of Jenifa in London

Actress Funke Akindele (Jenifa) looked gorgeous and (cough cough) ...as she and her husband, JJC Skillz walked the red carpet at the London premiere of her new movie, Jenifa in London. Another photo after the cut..

Friday 4 November 2016

How to Stop Surviving and Start Doing What You Love

Clock in. Clock out. Head home. Repeat. Millions of people follow this same predictable pattern for years, or even decades. And while there’s nothing wrong with punching a clock and making an honest living, isn’t there more to life? Isn’t there something you’re passionate about that you’d rather spend 40 hours of your week doing?
Here are a few practical tips that will allow you to start living your life the way it was meant to be lived, by doing what you love.

10 Signs You Are Having A Quarter-Life Crisis (But It’s Perfectly Fine)

Are you going through your twenties, and constantly feel like your life is more weird and confusing than the plot of Inception? Have you got no idea where your career is heading, why your relationships are changing or why you’re feeling so lost all the time?
Fear not. While it may feel like you’re going crazy and your life is falling to pieces before your very eyes, what you’re going through is a rite of passage experienced by everyone as they moved through the turbulent twenties – as your doctor would say (in a very doctor-ish voice), ‘my diagnosis is a Quarter-Life Crisis, and it’s perfectly normal thing for people your age.’
The twenties are often described as a time to set yourself up, lay foundations for the future and learn how to make safe, intelligent life decisions. But if there was a survival pack for your twenties, it would contain a user manual with diagrams of young people being hit repeatedly by large trucks, a bunch of ‘look on the bright side’ quote cards, and a life vest with a whistle that attracts the attention of your parents’ harsh opinions.
Put simply, the quarter-life crisis is a time of transitioning from early to late twenties, childhood to adulthood, and adapting to the changes that come with that. But while it can feel banging your head against a cold office desk most of the time, there’s actually nothing to worry about because life takes on a whole new level of meaning and beauty after the storm is over. When you’re going through the eye of a storm, though, it can be challenging to see the full picture and meaning of what you’re feeling.
Here are 10 signs that you’re in the middle of one of these points in your life, and why everything is actually perfectly OK.