Thursday 22 September 2016


The Importance of Immediate Action

If you see this habit of inaction in yourself, please change it right away. The next time inspiration strikes, act on that inspiration immediately. It’s like catching a wave in surfing. You can let it pass and paddle your way to shore, but it will be much harder. Why do this to yourself? Instead, act now.

Spiritual people are especially prone to inaction because they often prefer the ethereal world of ideas to the rough and tumble three-dimensional world. Sometimes, they even wrongly think that the spiritual world is superior and that the physical world should be ignored or avoided. They believe they can only grow by hiding away like a monk or a hermit. This is not true. The physical world is in fact there for the growth of your soul. Ignoring inspiration is like ignoring the soul’s call to a higher level. Also, we can never have a spiritual world if spiritual people don’t act. If we want a better world, spiritual principles must bring divinity into everyday life, which can only happen if people make that happen.

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