Friday 30 September 2016


Young romantic couple in bed

Men are often reluctant to talk about their needs in intimate relationships.
Whether social conditioning or an inability to communicate our needs are to blame, men (who tend to be the less communicative partners in intimate relationships) are prone to silently suffering when their emotional needs aren’t being met by their partners. Whether you are a man or a woman reading this article, this will give you greater clarity into yourself/partner and what your/their needs are in your intimate relationship. You may be a stylist when it comes to sex and you still loose the man if this basic things are missing.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

kinds of men women should think twice about tying the knot with.

Well, it is not just the men who should be wary when it comes to choosing a life partner, a woman should also keep her eyes open.
Below are the  kinds of men women should think twice about tying the knot with.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Shocking Truth About Why Men Cheat - PART 2

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77% of cheating men have a good friend who cheated.
Hanging around friends who stray makes cheating seem normal and legitimizes it as a possibility. The message he's subconsciously telling himself: My friend is a good guy who happens to be cheating on his wife

Monday 26 September 2016



If you are grappling with trust issues in your relationships, here are some of the best tips that you can use to build up the trust and put your relationship on a surer footing:The issue of trust and relationships always focuses on the question of whether the partners are faithful enough to one another. But trust within a relationship encompass much more. All relationships that people build are based on trust on the other person’s true intentions. Without trust, there would be no relationship at all.

The Shocking Truth About Why Men Cheat- part 1

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48% of men rated emotional dissatisfaction as the primary reason they cheated.
So much for the myth that, for men, cheating is all about sex: Only 8 percent of men said that sexual dissatisfaction was the main factor in their infidelity. "Our culture tells us that all men need to be happy is sex, "But men are emotionally-driven beings too.

Benefits of Faithfulness In Relationship-Let love love you!

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“Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?”
—Proverbs 20:6
We live in a society of constant progression. I can’t remember a time when there wasn’t any construction being done on the highways. Every day we see a new release of something: the next best phone, the next best car, the next best shoes. We desire the latest and greatest in every aspect of life. Sadly, it’s becoming that way in our relationships too.

Saturday 24 September 2016


  • Guava is low in calories and fats but carry several vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant poly-phenolic and flavonoid compounds that play a pivotal role in the prevention of cancers, aging, infections, etc.

Friday 23 September 2016

Unlock Your Potential

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Be serious about making improvements in your life The world is full of opportunity, but sometimes too much thinking can get in the way. Here are a few tips to help you change your life for the better.
1.     Remember the gifts you were born with. When you stop to remember what you have instead of worrying about what you don't have or may not be getting, it changes your perspective for the better.

Thursday 22 September 2016

The Physical Is the Seat of the Spiritual

The human being is like a triangle of body, mind, and spirit. The body forms the base of that triangle, and the mind and spirit form the sides. If one only develops the sides of the triangle — intellect and spirituality —

Don’t Let Dreams Stagnate

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Old, unresolved intentions are essentially a form of stagnant energy, like a clog in a pipe or pile of old papers gathering dust in a corner. Make it a new habit to act immediately. Follow the old adage:


The Importance of Immediate Action

If you see this habit of inaction in yourself, please change it right away. The next time inspiration strikes, act on that inspiration immediately.

Things to Simplify in Your Life

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“Purity and simplicity are the two wings with which man soars above the earth and all temporary nature.” —

Simplicity brings balance, freedom, and joy. When we begin to live simply and experience these benefits, we begin to ask the next question, “Where else in my life can i remove distraction and simply focus on the essential?


he law of attraction states that every positive or negative event that happened with you was attracted by you. Say that a special friend loaned you money when you didn't have any. You attracted that, even without your awareness of using the law. Say that teacher, classmate, client, or co-worker gave you a hard time during the day. You attracted that, too. Again, we are using the law every second of every day. You've even attracted reading this article! There are really only three basic steps: ask, believe, and receive. However, the point of this article is to break those three steps down into actions that you can do.

Wednesday 21 September 2016


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6.  Dwelling on difficulties.

A bad day is just a bad day.  Choose not to make it anything more.  Times of adversity will inevitably affect the conditions in which you live and work; yet you don’t have to let it affect who you are and where you’re headed.  Take note of the setbacks and adjust to them, but don’t expand on them by making them a bigger part of your life.


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Happy Family Secret No. 8: Build and Honor Rituals

"Families need rituals,. Rituals can be religious, national, or even family-specific,
"Happy families have meaningful rituals and are not stressed out by them," she says. "They can be unique to your own family such as going for bagels on Saturday morning, a weekly pizza night, or even a family song. Rituals tend to bring family members close together because they are repeated over time."

Little Habits that Steal Your Happiness

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You ultimately become what you repeatedly do.  If your habits aren’t helping you, they’re hurting you.  Here are a few examples of the latter that will steal your happiness if you let them:

1.  Focusing on everyone’s story except your own.

Don’t be so satisfied with the success stories of others and how things have gone for them that you forget to write your own.  Unfold your own tale and bring it to life


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Happy Family Secret No. 1: Enjoy Each Other
The essence of a happy family is that they truly uplift each other and that all comes down to how they treat each other, "Parents come home and the kids are happy to see them and when kids come home, the parents are happy to see them."

Tuesday 20 September 2016


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The Responsibility
As FIBI, you are expected to be the next authority figure in the house. When the parents leave, you are expected to be the ‘man of the house’ or ‘woman of the house’.You are expected to be in check of your siblings at all times. And if they do not behave, you are the one to take the blame. All this on your small head. As FIBI, when you get a junior brother or sister you are expected to nurture them as well. You are supposed to be the ‘third parent’ of the kids. 
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Make sure to curb your instant reactions to things that make you highly emotional—whether it is good or bad. Sure, it’s OK to be yourself and show enthusiasm. But remember that good leaders and well-respected people know the difference between responding and reacting. The latter is not a good habit.


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This post goes out to all firstborns in African households. By firstborn I mean that you are a first child in that family (the first to be born), and as a first child there are things you go through that other children just won’t understand, Others will not feel your pain, 

Ways You Can Earn The Respect Of Others

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You want to be respected, but you’re not sure how this whole thing works. The key here is to stop focusing on you, and start thinking about others. How can you help others? How can you inspire change, growth, and innovation? When you think about the people you respect deeply, what do they do differently from the average person? While you’re thinking about that, here are some of my own tips

Monday 19 September 2016

Overcome Low Self-Esteem (part2)

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Learn to say no. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Often we say yes because of the fear of authority, the fear of hurting someone’s feelings, or worries that we will let someone down. But every time you say a yes that you don’t mean, you’ll end up doing a half-hearted job. And then you are unhappy that you said what you didn’t want to say, and you are unhappy that you did such a lousy job of what you said you would do.

Overcome Low Self-Esteem (part 1)

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“Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth.” 
You’re smart, funny, and genuinely good at heart.

You have ideas that could solve many of the problems you see around you. You could regale people with interesting stories that crack them up. You could be the perfect partner, parent, or friend.

Lessons in Manhood

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1. Accept death with open arm
If death isn’t feared but instead welcomed there’s no limit to what you can accomplish and what you’ll aim to accomplish.  We not only fear death but we fear the unknown and injury and failure and for shite’s sake we need to stop, and the end will start when we bring our greatest fear into the present.


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The reality is that at some point in our lives we’re all asked to be someone’s hero. Some of us will rise up to the call, and others won’t. Others will look to their left and right and wait for someone else to stand up and take control. Which one will you be?


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I've had a rough year, yet through it all I trusted and still trust, that the Creator of the Universe has me exactly where I'm supposed to be.


When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It’s not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It’s up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside.

Simple Ways to Overcome the Fear of Failure (PART 2)

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“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha

7. Shift Your Perspective

“Failure teaches success.” — Japanese Saying
Who taught you that failure was a bad thing?
It feels bad, so it must be bad. Is that really true?
Every belief and thought that makes us feel bad needs to be examined. What good does a fear of failure do us?
It’s easier said than done to eliminate negative beliefs, but it all starts with being aware that a problem actually exists.
The last thing you want to do is get mad at yourself for not being perfect. We all have our unique fears and they are there for a reason.

Don’t Enrich the Grave

There are a lot of resources invested by God Almighty in the life of everyone that he created. No man is created empty.
The grave is a place where the dead resides, it is well discovered that the richest place is the grave yard. For anyone who doesn’t want to enrich the grave, the following must be done.


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In scripture, Joseph was a young boy dearly loved by his father. His father distinguished him from his eleven brothers with a beautiful, luxurious coat of many colors. That coat set Joseph apart and symbolized the favor and affection of his father. It also represented God’s mantle and anointing on his life. In essence, that beautiful coat displayed Joseph’s identity.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Student rusticated by UNILAG over Facebook post

Were you part of the University of Lagos Students’ Union executives recently suspended by the school management for their roles in a protest in the university?
No, I am neither a member of the University of Lagos Students’ Union nor a member of the Students’ Representatives Council. I am only a concerned student. I also made it known to members of a panel inaugurated by the university management when I was invited that I was not a member of ULSU or SRC but only a concerned student

Happy 41st Birthday to legendary 2face Idibia

The legendary singer is a year older today September 18th. Wishing him many more incredible, and successful years ahead!


Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho offered his thoughts on the disappointing 3-1 reverse to Watford. The boss was speaking to MUTV and BT Sport...
Obvious concern at another defeat
"I’m always concerned when we don’t get the result we want."
Was it a foul by Miguel Britos in the build-up to Watford's opening goal?
"That’s an obvious situation.