Monday 23 November 2020

The Deceit of Courtship

I was led to Re-share this particular article this morning for someone out there.  I hope it helps...

The saying that "love is blind" is true but marriage is the tool to open the eyes of blind love.  You will discover the real personality of man after marriage. He/she could do anything to impress you in courtship.  You may have a list of his good deeds,  generosity,  and good qualities while you are yet unmarried,  but marriage is the true ground for the assessment of a man. 

A man could pretend to be anything but himself until he gets hooked to you in marriage. That is why many people complain and regret that the lamb they courted has turned into a lion in marriage.  The fact is that he has always been a lion,  only that he was hiding in a lamb's skin. Don't be deceived. 

It follows then that if courtship which ought to bring out the best in a partner brings out the worse in him or her,  what happens in marriage?  If your courtship is characterized by quarrels,  what do you imagine of your marriage if you go ahead in the relationship. A broken courtship is better than a broken home. Your courtship predicts your marriage and the rest of your life. 

There may be sincere disagreement in courtship which are not strong reasons enough to break relationship with a partner. But for a courtship to be so full of troubles that  you are almost getting suffocated is enough to break the relationship in order to remain alive. 

Courtship is a period,  in the journey towards marriage, when a prospective partner tries to be  his or her best.  It is the testing ground for survival or failure of the future relationship. The courtship that is already full of troubles and quarrels to settle calls for fresh prayer.

Take heed.

Valerie Nwoji
Certified Marriage and Relationship Mentor

Friday 13 November 2020

Self Love

Following the rule of "Love your neighbour as yourself" You will realize that self love is very important. 

We were never instructed to love our fellow men more or less than we love ourselves but it as much as you love yourself you extend that same love to your fellow being. If you don't love yourself enough, how else do you want to love someone else?

Answer this sincere question, I'll be expecting your answer in the comment box

©Valerie Nwoji

Wednesday 4 November 2020

The Power of Being Single Before you say I do

The truth is, there's so much benefit in being single that people often overlook. We should be appreciating it instead of feeling awkward about it. When you’re not legally bound to another person, you have more opportunity to learn, grow, and explore also freedom of time usage compare to when you are married.  This gives you more opportunity for self discovery. 

One of the greatest deceit in singleness is to assume marriage will meet our unmet needs, solve our weaknesses, organize our lives and unleash our gifts. True marriage is beautiful but the truth is marriage doesn't make your life any less easy. 

Remember that,  you have purpose regardless of your marital status,  so your status as a single person shouldn't stop you from fulfilling your purpose. You've got so much power within than you know.

You have the power to choose who crawls into your life,  who you want in your space, You still have the power to choose the kind of partner you desire and how best to work on yourself and things around you. 

See,  You've got so much power within you.  All you need to do is PUT IT TO GOOD USE.

©Valerie Nwoji
Photo credit: Pinterest

Monday 2 November 2020

Dear Fine Girl

Greatness looks good on you. 
Don't let anyone make you think or feel otherwise. 
You can and should rise to the top of the ladder of success. 

It won't make you proud, it won't make you rude to your husband. It won't make your husband your doormat. It won't break your home, as long as you don't allow it. 

There's greatness in you. 
Stop playing small. 
Stop looking down 👇 on yourself. 

You're meant for the palace. 
Your future is endowed. 
Dream those big dreams 
Get those scary goals and pursue them. 
Be everything you can and should be. 

That's why you need to marry a man who will love that greatness to limelight. 

You need a man who will not cover your light. 

Congratulations to 
 Ngozi Okonju Iweala 

Do more than get married 
Rise to prominence 
Prepare for the palace 

©️ Adeniyi Simeon