Thursday 21 July 2016


When I saw placards of women protesting against the equally notorious Dino Melaye, I concluded that some of my compatriots have descended to the lowest immorally possible! It was not only nauseating, but how much the Tinubus have colonised some people's brains. Chai! Two Senators fighting over what was not OVERTLY and COVERTLY related to your well-being and you carried placard in support of one? Heeeee. Let us go to the nitty-gritty.

What EXACTLY were they protesting against? That Dino said he would slap Remi? That he said she had passed menopausal availability and hence, no longer game for him? Or that he even had the effrontery to challenge the 'almighty' matriarch of rent-seeking political fiefdom? Or for disrespecting womanhood? I simply could not place it!
Just like some low minds booked 'Aso Ebi' to welcome a Bode George who was being released after being convicted of a financial crime. We are sick! Olohun!
I won't say these women were paid to protest as some Tinubu boot lickers would have accused others were it to happen on the other side of the ever widening political divide. But I will nevertheless raise some posers. Who paid for the T-shirts? Who printed the banner? Who bought the cardboards? Who did the mobilisation? What were the professions of the protesters? I saw legends like "Senate is not Melaye's father's house?", " Say No to Dino", "Senator Tinubu, We are Behind You". And so on. Is the Senate then Remi's own house?
Now, what cause has Remi championed on their behalf that made them to stand behind her? For all I know, Remi has spent greater part of her stay in Senate to fight real and imaginary enemies. I have said it before: Remi's first qualification for becoming a senator was being Jagaban's wife! On her own, she cannot win her sitting room. And it is this air of arrogance that she carries about. Attacking and fighting everybody and expecting to get away with until she met her match in an equally "O san l'ori" Dino!
As for the protesters, can you stand before your Creator and say you did this with all sincerity and for the good of the society? Can you face your kids and say by this protest, you have contributed to a better Nigeria? Can you face the mirrors in your various bedrooms and say to the image you see there that you did this in good faith and that the crown of life awaits you? If your hereafter is to be based on this action, can you face it with conscientious confidence?
A society can NEVER sink lower than we have sunk! Can it?

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