Wednesday 20 July 2016


to be a man & learn to stand up for yourself with women so they love & respect you. How to prevent or stop women from disrespecting you & walking all over you. Women love men who know what they want out of life, and who are fearless about going after it, including the women they want. They want a man who knows how to be his own person. A man who is
already happy, whole and complete, but looking for someone to share his completeness with. Women are incredibly turned off by men who do not stand up to them, but let them walk all over them. If you do not have any self respect for yourself, women will pick up on this and treat you with disrespect. The biggest thing that I see men doing around women that causes rejection, is they change who they are in the hopes that women will like them. They act like needy pleasers who don’t want to rock the boat and are constantly seeking the approval of women because they do not feel they are worthy. The following is an e-mail from a reader who grew up with a weak father and a mother who dominated them both. The same thing always happens to him when he starts dating women that he likes. Things are good at first, but after a while they become disrespectful and rude and he just takes it. He does not stand up for himself and eventually he gets dumped.

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