Monday, 10 July 2017



The last step in the process of forgiving others is to depend on the holy spirit to help you do what you have just made a quality decision to do. Just deciding isn't enough. It is vital but it is still not enough, because will power alone won't work. we need divine strength from God's spirit who lives in us and is always available to help us do the will of God.

Saturday, 8 July 2017


After you have made the first step which is desiring to forgive the person that offended or insulted you, you move on to;

Friday, 7 July 2017


Some people really wants to forgive, but don’t know how to go about it. It is very easy to tell a person that the need to forgive those who have hurt them, but the probably might not know how to go about it. Here is a few hint for you
Prayer is vital, but we must do more than pray in order to forgive, when we pray, God always does his part, but very often we fail to do our part then we are confused about why it seems that our prayers were not answered. For example, a person in need of a job ma pray for God to provide him with one, but he still needs to go out and apply at various companies in order to be successful. The same principle applies to forgiveness.
Now we are going to look into the steps you need in order to learn how to forgive.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Leadership Isn't About Title or Position, But Your Ability to Influence Others

Are people in management roles necessarily leaders? Leadership skills are subjective – you can have many different styles that work to varying degrees. Our modern day challenges mean methods of leadership are influenced by multiple factors, and adapting to these and keeping your leadership qualities high is an indicator of a good leader.
Some people find themselves in management roles without having developed these crucial skills. Perhaps you’re a manager and struggle to lead your team? Or maybe you’re not in a management role, but feel you want to create better leadership skills?

Friday, 16 June 2017

How to Be a Leader That Everyone Respects, Not Fears

When it comes to discussing today’s job force and environment, people tend to focus on Millennials and the different ways in which they work. There is much conversation regarding work ethic, entitlement, and general opinions. But the truth is that the job force has undergone plenty of changes, one of which surrounds the idea of “The Boss.”
No longer is the man in charge an illusive figure-head in the corner office. In fact, the boss isn’t always a man. More so, the idea of giving orders and simply being the one who delegates has been replaced by a more collaborative approach – the idea of a Leader, rather than a Boss.

Saturday, 13 May 2017

4 Members of the Badoo Terror Gang in Ikorodu Apprehended and Beaten to Death

4 Members of the Badoo Terror Gang in Ikorodu Apprehended and Beaten to Death (Photo and Video)
The bloody terror gang which is identified as Badoo that has been terrorising the Ikorodu area of Lagos have been reportedly killed in a jungle justice yesterday, Friday, May 12, 2017. 

They were allegedly apprehended after they had carried out another killing of a family of four today at Oke Igbodo, Adamo, Ikorodu, Lagos.

The Power of I Am Sorry

“Sincere apologies are for those that make them, not for those to whom they are made.” ~Greg LeMond
When I was growing up, every time I did something wrong or called my brother names, my mother would grab me by the wrist and demanded that I offer an apology. What’s more, if the apology didn’t sound meaningful enough to her, I had to repeat it until my tone was genuine. An apology was the basic reaction to any mistake.
Now that I’m older, I see apologizing as more than just a household rule. My younger self didn’t understand the complexities of human pride and self-righteousness, but my older self does.
Now, I see family members refusing to talk to each other for years after an argument just because neither side wants to be the first to let go of their pride and “break down and apologize.” But who decided apologizing was a sign of weakness?

Friday, 21 April 2017

Inspirational Dynamite: Premarital counseling helps you to foresee the rel...

Inspirational Dynamite: Premarital counseling helps you to foresee the rel...: Marriage counseling can actually begin before the wedding. Some churches may require marriage preparation classes that include premarital...

Premarital counseling helps you to foresee the relationship’s future. True or False?

Marriage counseling can actually begin before the wedding. Some churches may require marriage preparation classes that include premarital counseling as a condition of performing the ceremony.
This counseling might include talking about the couple’s individual family histories and the family they plan to build together, including the possibility of children, whether they will be raised in the church and how you might deal with conflict.
You can also go to a marriage or family counselor with your intended for premarital counseling, which should help you to start your marriage with a clean slate.

Monday, 17 April 2017

20 Ways to Revive Positive Energy/Thinking

Positive thinking is a mental and emotional state of mind that focuses on the good and expects positive outcomes. Developing and maintaining a positive attitude involves more than merely thinking happy thoughts. It is the anticipation of good (i.e. happiness, health and success) and it is the belief that all things–situations, obstacles and difficulties–will work out favorably in the end.
Optimism does not involve ignoring negativity. It is the acknowledgement of the negative but then choosing to focus on the positive. At its root, it is simply the belief that despite the current circumstances things will work out favorable in the end. A positive mind comes from a heart full of faith.