Friday, 3 June 2016

Understanding the Trinity

There’s always been a bone of contention in the understanding of the Trinity; God the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit. A God that is 3 but 1. I would break this down as best as I can. I still have a lot to understand myself.

-God the Father.
He is the One God, Creator of heaven, earth and all that is within and without. Genesis chapter 1- “In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth.”
God wasn’t created, He just WAS. He is a mystery no one can comprehend.
-God the Son
Read John1vs 1-14- Jesus (the son) was begotten. He was already in the Father from the beginning, but He became flesh to save mankind. God the Son-Jesus- was taken out of God to become man.
Read John 14vs 8-9. Jesus (the Son) is one with the Father.
-God the Holy Spirit
John 12vs16- “And I will ask of the Father, and He will send you another comforter…” The Holy Spirit has already been in existence. Note that Jesus did not say “I will ask the Father to create..” He said to “send”. The Holy Spirit has ‘been’. Then He was sent to comfort us.
Genesis 1vs26- ‘let us create man in our image…”
The Trinity operates in Unity because all three is one. I hope I made some sense. I pray you get divine understanding. For further knowledge please read The Athanasian Creed here.
Points to note;
The Father is not made; neither created nor begotten.
·         The son is of the Father alone; not made, not created but begotten.
·         The Holy Spirit is of the Father and of the Son; neither made, created, nor begotten but proceeding.

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